Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pow wow

My parents and I went to a pow wow today for a visit with my grandmother. To the left in this picture (between the green tent and the folding chairs) is the circle where the dances took place. And to the right are the tents where lots of cool things are sold and I try really hard to not spend a ton of money. I did get some nice beads for a necklace though. 
Location: Woburn, MA

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brock goes to Boston

Today I had the great pleasure of spending the day in Boston with Brock and Pat. When we came across this railing at MIT I thought it would be a good one for sliding down. I didn't get very far down it. I thought this was a good representation of the fun adventures we had traveling from the Boston Common to Harvard Square. 
Location: Cambridge, MA

Friday, July 29, 2011

Between Us

Between Us is the pizza/sub shop down the street from my old house in Woburn. We used to eat there pretty often, but not so much anymore. These days it's more of a treat. Everything was still hot and delicious when I got it home for dinner. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

An Outing with Laura

After camp today I went home with Laura and got to see her house and meet some of her family. Then we headed off to the mall in our lovely purple staff shirts. This is a picture of the delicious crepe I got at the food court. After food we went to see Friends With Benefits. Fun times!
Location: Burlington, MA

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The new jeans I bought with birthday money arrived today. Yayyyyyyyyy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Afternoon Showers

I took this picture while sitting in traffic on the highway. I took some nice sunset pictures too, but as my camera doesn't capture the colors quite right I chose to share this photo instead.
Location: I93 North

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet 'n Salty

This afternoon was a perfect rainy summer afternoon for a movie (Ever After) and a sweet 'n salty snack. Popcorn and our microwave tend to fight, so I just emptied the kernels into a pot and made popcorn on the stove. Success.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mom & Me

Mom and I rarely get our nails done, but today we had a mother-daughter date at the "spa". Mom got a manicure and I got my first pedicure. If only I could afford to make pedicures a regular occurrence...
Location: Woburn, MA

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Basement Treasures

Today, I went looking for a coloring book in the basement (yes, I still like to color from time to time). Instead of a coloring book, I found a different hallmark of my childhood. I came across a box of my old favorite books and enjoyed rereading those pictured here. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer Reading

I started reading "AWalk in the Woods" today. A little slow so far, but I've only just gotten to the part where Bryson's hike up the Appalachian Trail begins. 
Location: Bookshelf in my living room

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Walking the Dog

During my walk to work this morning I passed and walked with quite a few people who were walking their dogs. It just made me happy to see people out and about with their dogs in the morning. 
Location: Reading, MA

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"I'm a fan of fans."

This picture is a lazy experiment that follows a crazy, stressful day at camp. The picture didn't turn out like I had hoped, but I suppose it still has some artsy quality. I also figure it's okay to share the photographic flops as well as successes. 
Location: My den

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two Firsts

I did two new things today! First, I made rice krispie treats with crushed M&Ms on top. I brought them to the weekly BBQ and got great feedback. And I thought they were pretty good too. Second, I played bocce for the first time (at the same BBQ) and quite liked it. A good day at camp followed by good company and good food.
Location: Winchester, MA

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Rainy Afternoon

I enjoyed another post-camp walk in a light summer rain today. When I got home I settled in with my Harry Potter audiobook, a snack, and a puzzle. About 50 percent of the puzzle is complete now. 
Location: My living room

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Single Mass

I am not Catholic, but once a year I attend a mass with my maternal grandmother's family to celebrate my great-grandparents. I found out today that the church where this mass is held is the same church where my grandparents got married. There were many beautiful things inside the church to photograph, but I chose this arch because it was not the first thing I noticed nor the thing that stood out the most. I thought it deserved some recognition. 
Location: West Roxbury, MA

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Family Fun

The annual family reunion in Connecticut. After a day at the beach, people head back to the house for dinner and good company. Mom and I missed the beach festivities, but I still enjoyed socializing at the house.
Location: Waterford, CT

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quiet Afternoon

I know this picture is kind of dark, but I did that on purpose. After work I decided to relax in my bed with a snack, a movie, and just the natural light coming through my windows. It was cozy and sleepy and this was my view. The birds that visited the vines on the chimney were cute, but I wasn't able to get them in this picture. 
Location: My bedroom

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Beauty in the Backyard

A few days ago, I spotted this flower from my usual chair in the den. Today, I finally got out in the yard (joined by the groundhogs and baby bunny) to take a picture of it. Not the best flower photo ever, but not bad for an amateur. 
Location: My backyard

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A walk in the rain

After camp today, I enjoyed a walk in a nice light summer rain to Carey's house. I took lots of pictures during my walk and it was hard to choose just one to share. I picked this one because I like the layers of depth and the cool stone wall.
Location: Reading, MA

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today, I goofed and forgot my camera at camp. I was able to take the picture I wanted later on in the day, but on someone else's camera. So when that picture is sent to me I will share it with you.

Monday, July 11, 2011


I was going to share a picture of the bug that went swimming in my post-camp lemonade, but then I found a fun craft to entertain me while I listen to my audiobook. I made these stars simply by folding strips of colored paper. I included messages like the one in the picture and I'll share them with my freshman residents for inspiration. The soreness in my thumbs prevented me from finishing the yellow stars, but fear not, I shall press on tomorrow. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Mom, Dad, and I spent the afternoon driving around doing various errands and such. One of our stops was at this cool house that is made up of five octagons.
Location: Winchester, MA

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to me...again!

At the end of a day of belated birthday celebrations with my parents, Shaunna, Jason, and the kids I was presented with cards and gifts. Of all the great pictures taken, I chose this one to share because this card made my day. Thanks, Noah <3
Location: Shaunna's house

Friday, July 8, 2011


A fun and exhausting week of camp concludes with a necessary load of laundry. 
Location: my basement

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

I shared an awesome birthday dinner with my parents and Carey at Victoria Station in Salem, MA. The schooner behind Carey is one of my favorite sights in Salem.