Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mourning W&M's Trees

The William & Mary campus is covered in beautiful trees. In fact, I would argue that the trees are a significant part of the campus's beauty. Hurricane Irene knocked down many of the trees and it makes me sad. In this picture, one of Irene's victims is being cleaned up.
Location: Campus Drive, W&M

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This has been my shelter for the weekend, where Christina's parents were nice enough to host four of us for five days on short notice. It has been a wonderful weekend and I'm so thankful for the Horton family's hospitality. 
Location: Charlottesville, VA

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Day at UVA

We got lunch and explored the shops at The Corner at UVA today. Then we sat in the grass and played with my camera for a while. I took a bunch of pictures that look through the grass and this is one of my favorites.
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Southern Food Chain Experience

Today's southern food chain experience was Jimmy John's. Jimmy John's claims to make your sandwich in 30 seconds or less. Christina (right) was telling me that they often have your sandwich ready before you're done paying for it. Today they were a little slow, but it was still yummy so I can't complain. JJ's also had lots of amusing signs on the wall - example pictured here. 
Location: Charlottesville, VA

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Now I Know

Early in my trip to Charlottesville, I heard of this amazing place called Cane's. It was, according to legend, a southern chain that sells delicious chicken, fries, and toast and originated in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Today, I was exposed to and was able to confirm the deliciousness of Cane's food. 
Location: Charlottesville, VA

Friday, August 26, 2011


We were evacuated from W&M yesterday because of the hurricane. Sean, Rachel, and I are spending the weekend at Christina's house in Charlottesville. Today we explored an outdoor mall with a couple old bookstores. This one had lots of cool rooms and corners to find treasures in. 
Location: Charlottesville, VA

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ancient Campus

This is the beautiful Wren Building, the original building of The College of William & Mary. I meant to take a picture of it in honor of the first day of classes but I forgot. It looks just as nice on the second day of classes as it did on the first. 
Location: Williamsburg, VA

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Phone!

My new phone came in the mail today! It took forever to activate, but the Verizon customer service lady was very nice and very helpful when I finally got to talk to her. I love it!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Now that we're all back at school, the girls from my freshman hall decided to get together for lunch at the Cheese Shop. Delicious bread ends and house dressing again.
Location: Colonial Williamsburg

Monday, August 22, 2011


After spending three hours planning our Oxfam events for the year we were erasing the chalkboards...we discovered that when you clap the eraser against the board it creates a shower of chalk.
Location: Blair Hall, W&M

Sunday, August 21, 2011


During orientation the freshman halls have mixers with each other. Here the Fauquier gentlemen are singing a medley of three songs for the Fauquier women and did quite a good job. 
Location: Botetourt Complex, W&M

Saturday, August 20, 2011

For the First Time

I've walked past these little sheds many times in my past two years at W&M but today I finally noticed them. I like how the white and brick fade into each other. 
Location: Yates parking lot, W&M

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcoming the Freshman

The freshman arrived on campus today and gathered at a welcoming ceremony at W&M Hall. These are the girls who will live on my hall this year. So excited to start the year with them!!!
Location: W&M Hall

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Resident assistants make a door tag for each resident on their hall. I spent a week making Despicable Me minions for all my girls and finally finished them today. They're adorable!
Location: Fauquier Hall, W&M

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This is a shot of my bedside table just before I turn off the light to go to sleep. Welcome to a moment in the life of Angela. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life is busy

My apologies. It seems I forgot to take a picture today and I don't have anything fun to substitute in place of my nonexistent picture. It has been a busy week of RA training, but one of the points of this blog was to "stop and smell the roses". So I shall try to do just that and not let business get in the way.

Monday, August 15, 2011


The Dupont/Botetourt Residence Life staff went bowling after training today. This is evidence of how well I bowled during the first string. The second string was pretty terrible on my part. In my defense, this was only my second time bowling ten pin. Candle pin is what's up in New England. 
Location: Williamsburg, VA

Sunday, August 14, 2011

'Elf Termination'

The short story: resident assistants have to put up bulletin boards for the residents and I was helping Poorna put up his Self Determination board. 
Location: Gooch Hall, W&M

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Substitute Photographer

So this is me...sitting on top of a wardrobe. I'm sharing a picture of me instead of a picture by me because I forgot to take a picture today. So here is evidence of today's silliness documented by Poorna.
Location: Gooch Hall, W&M

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wasting No Time

Yesterday, I enjoyed food from WaWa. Today, I lunched on another W&M student staple - bread end and house dressing from The Cheese Shop. This is the view from the bench in Colonial Williamsburg where I sat eating and people watching. Just as I was thinking about how strangers don't often share benches, a woman sat down next to me and read a book. That was a cool moment.
Location: Colonial Williamsburg

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"For Meghan"

Today, I returned to the beautiful William & Mary campus. After retrieving my things from storage I went across campus to WaWa to get something to eat. Then I sat on this bench in front of Blair Hall eating my late lunch and enjoying the view of the Sunken Garden. Since it was a beautiful day and I had nowhere to be, I took a little nap on this bench as well. 
Location: Blair Hall, W&M

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Mom, Dad, and I have awesome family friends who gave us an Applebee's gift card so we could go out to dinner as a family before I go back to school tomorrow. Thank you Wankowicz family! Dinner was quite yummy and dessert was amazing (the aftermath of which is pictured here).
Location: Woburn, MA

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Latest Creation

At the pow wow two Sundays ago I bought some beads and leather cord to make a necklace. When I saw the turtle and the long hollow beads I decided to pick out a few more and make a project out of it. And here it is - I just finished it. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Organizing, not quite packing

Today, I prepared to pack my things to go back to school. I'm flying out on Thursday so for now I've just organized things in order of importance. All my clean clothes are collected up on the couches, but tomorrow I'll do laundry and add to the piles.
Location: My living room

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Game Time

I played lots of fun games with Noah and Solomon today. We played UNO, Candy Land, Fancy Pants Adventures, and MarioKart. Here the boys are making an attempt to play DDR - they had fun dancing but kind of missed the point of the game. All in all, a fun day with the nephews. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ham & Cheese Picnic

I'm spending the weekend at Shaunna's and today we decided to explore the Boston Harbor Islands. This is our picnic on Nut Island. The boys had fun riding around on their skateboards and scooters before we went to the beach for fishing, skipping rocks, and playing in the sand.
Location: Quincy, MA

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lost and Found

I was on my way to the train today when I noticed a pile of old books, including some classics, just sitting at the side of a bridge. I wanted to rescue them but I didn't have room in my backpack. I also wondered if someone left them there to be claimed and loved by someone else or if they were left behind by accident. 
Location: Newton, MA

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Carly and I went to Scarborough today and it was tons of fun. It wasn't too too hot and the waves were lots of fun to play in. 
Location: Narragansett, RI

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sisterhood of the Traveling Journal

This is the journal that three of my very good friends and I are sharing. The mailman was amused at my excitement when I realized it had arrived. I immediately sat down to read the latest entries and was inspired by what Shama, Rebecca, and Brittany had written.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can you canoe?

My dad and I can! We had fun canoeing the Sudbury river yesterday. We saw frogs, turtles, herons, fish, spiders,  a muskrat, and a groundhog. We couldn't find a shady spot to eat lunch so we just ate while we floated on the river.
Location: Lincoln & Sudbury, MA

Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting the Hang of It

This was my best parking job all day. Today was my first day driving this vehicle, which was lent to us by some awesome family friends who have gone on vacation for the week. It took a lot of getting used to because my mom's car (the car I normally drive) is much smaller. The car in the picture doesn't look particularly large, but it feels huge when I drive it. It was a fun challenge for the day. 
Location: North Reading, MA