Wednesday, November 30, 2011

W&M Choir Flashmob

I was enjoying dinner with the girls when all of a sudden people nearby started singing a Christmas carol. Then there were more. Then as we looked around there were people standing throughout the Marketplace singing. Then there were signs that explained it all - the William & Mary Choir was advertising their upcoming holiday concert. It was both awkward and fun.
Location: Marketplace, Campus Center, W&M

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

La Cigale et la fourmi

Last night I memorized this French poem by Jean de la Fontaine and practiced my presentation of it because I had to recite it in class this morning. I marked the inflections, pauses, and pronunciation trouble spots that I paid special attention to as I practiced. In true college student style, I printed the poem on notebook paper because I had run out of printer paper. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

The New View

It's gone! It's weird not having a big green box/water heater outside my window anymore. On the one hand, I like seeing what's going on outside...on the other, I miss the privacy it provided.
Location: Botetourt Complex, W&M

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Flying Back to School

I love the view from the sky. I prefer a window seat that doesn't overlook the wing, but in this case it at least makes for an interesting picture.
Location: the airspace between Manchester, NH and Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shopping with Carey

Carey and I did some Christmas shopping together today. Well, the f.y.e purchases are Christmas gifts for other people. I admit that the dvds and Vanilla Bean shower gel from Bath & Body Works are gifts for myself.  Bath & Body Works is just so irresistible and the dvds were only $2 a piece.
Location: Burlington, MA

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast

The fam gathered at Shaunna's house for Thanksgiving this year. Everybody brought something delicious to share so again, I couldn't fit it all in one picture. Spending a few hours with my sister, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and friends after being away at school for months was wonderful.
Location: Sturbridge, MA

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Golden Tickets

These are the boarding passes for the flights that finally got me home. I was supposed to fly out of Newport News, VA just after 1pm, stop for a layover in Philadelphia, and arrive in Manchester, NH around 5pm. When my Newport News flight was cancelled my options for getting home were limited. Finally, US Airways paid for a taxi to the Norfolk airport where I flew out at 7pm and eventually arrived in Manchester at 11pm. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner Number 1

Tonight the Dupont/Botetourt Res Life staff had a potluck Thanksgiving dinner. There was so much good food, but I couldn't fit it all in one picture. It was a fun opportunity for our large staff to spend time together outside of staff meetings.
Location: Dupont - "the Pit", W&M

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hot Water?

I was surprised to see this outside my window when I opened the blinds today. This has been a big green box since the beginning of the semester, but not anymore. This is the temporary water heater that's been trying to provide hot showers for us while we waited for a replacement part for the usual water heater. Looks like it's time to say goodbye. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Surprise Work Shift

I was all set to enjoy pizza and Tangled with the girls tonight, but just after we ordered pizza I got called into work. For some reason, I hadn't put my 5 hour shift on my calendar. So off to the Sadler Center I went, with a book that Rachel kindly let me borrow so I had something to do. Because my friends are awesome, Rachel, Min, and Athena brought me some pizza and kept me company for a while. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dinner at Professor Feldman's House

William & Mary professors are great - aside from being understanding, accommodating, and helpful they are interested in getting to know their students. Professor Feldman, my International Trade Theory professor, was nice enough to invite us to his house for dinner and tolerate our endless questions about the cool things in his home. It was a fun evening of pizza and getting to know my classmates and professor better. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hunger Banquet

Oxfam at William & Mary hosted a hunger banquet tonight at Sadler. A hunger banquet is an event designed by Oxfam America to model food distribution in the world and to educate participants about poverty and hunger in the world. In this picture, a few people from the low income group are eating their small portion of rice and water. Everyone in the club worked hard to pull off a great event this evening and I would say we succeeded.
Location: Tidewater B, Sadler Center, W&M

You Had to Be There

I was on my way to work when I noticed how pretty the clouds were with the moonlight on them. Unfortunately, they decided not to show up in the picture and you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that the moonlight created a cool pattern in the clouds. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I worked at the games desk until 9pm tonight and I was about to leave with Poorna when we realized it was pouring. I had an umbrella with me, but it wouldn't have done much good and Poorna would have gotten soaked. We decided to kill some time at the Sadler Center while we waited for the rain to die down.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fun Shoes in Fall

These sneakers were totally white before I spray painted them purple and green last winter. I don't wear them very often so I thought I could feature them as my picture for the day. I was torn between a picture of my shoes and a picture of the beautiful Fall day that surrounded me, so I combined the two.
Location: Bench by the Parking Lot Behind Sadler, W&M

Monday, November 14, 2011

To-Do List

Cleaning my dishes has been on my to-do list for longer than I care to admit. Knowing that I have a tendency to avoid dish washing I hoard cups so that I always have a clean cup to use without having to wash cups very often. In my defense, they don't smell and they're not gross because for the most part they were used for drinking water. The gross looking stuff in the measuring cup is just dirt from when I had my plant in it. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lazy Day

I had a wonderfully lazy day today where I lied in bed all day watching TV shows on my computer. It was a nice break after a busy week of papers and exams. I became hooked on Once Upon A Time today and I can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Appalachian Music Ensemble

What a fun concert! Rachel and I went to W&M's Appalachian Music Ensemble concert this evening. Our friend Athena plays the violin in the ensemble - unfortunately she is hidden in this picture.
Location: Ewell Hall, W&M

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Worth the 30 Second Pause

Even though it was way more foggy this morning than it was yesterday morning, I decided not to take another picture of the elusive fog. As I was rushing to breakfast the leaves of this plant caught my eye and I'm glad I stopped to take this picture.
Location: Behind the tennis courts, W&M

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Froggy Weather

This was the scene I saw upon leaving my dorm this morning. I took a picture meaning to capture the fogginess but it didn't really work. So here's a nice picture of the leafless tree in the courtyard.
Location: Botetourt Complex, W&M

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do You?

As you may have noticed from previous pictures, I have a green dry erase board mounted on my door. My residents left this nice note on my door today. I love them too! I also love Veronica's cute little elephant drawing. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Desk Mess

This is what happens when I am busy and desk disappears. This weekend was busy one, with the added responsibility of putting up new bulletin boards for my residents. My desk is always more messy around the time of the month when boards are due. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tea Time

I hosted a tea party for my residents in the kitchen today. Only a few of them came, but we had a nice time listening to the "Dinner with friends" playlist on Stereomood and enjoying the goodies you see here. Many thanks to Corinn who saved me a trip to the grocery store by buying the tea and goodies. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

They're Smiling Now...

We were enjoying a nice walk in Colonial Williamsburg when Min and Athena began misbehaving. So naturally we had to put them in the stocks. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Murder at Club Noir

Residence Life is divided up into areas and each area is responsible for hosting one event during the year that is open to the whole campus. Tonight, the Dupont/Botetourt staff (the staff I'm on) hosted a murder mystery trivia night. We had a lot of fun classin' it up at our 1920's themed event. Here you see all the murder suspects on the stage.
Location: Chesapeake Room, Sadler Center, W&M

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Football! Where?!

I have mentioned before that dinner discussions often include a debate of some sort. Dinner discussions also involve football on a regular basis. Sometimes the dinner traditions of debate and football discussion are combined. Here you see Will, Brock, and Poorna all distracted from their football debate by whatever fascinating football analysis is happening on TV.
Location: Marketplace, W&M

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Free Stuff with a Catch

I spent a few hours at our table today encouraging passersby to sign a petition supporting the suspension of the Marlin Mine in Guatemala. The Guatemalan government promised to suspend the mine's operation a year ago and have not done so despite strong community opposition to the mine. Once a person signed the petition they got to spin the prize wheel to win some free stuff. 50 signatures and counting! If you want to learn more go to and to sign the petition go to Thanks!
Location: Sadler Terrace, W&M

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Veronica and I baked cupcakes for Oxfam today. Tomorrow the club will be tabling on the terrace and giving out yummy baked goods. The two of us had fun baking and decorating these cupcakes and the brownies that were still in the oven when this picture was taken.
Location: Fauquier Kitchen, W&M