Saturday, December 31, 2011

Toasting the New Year

Carey, Amelia, and I spent New Year's Eve together, as usual. This year we stayed in to swap Christmas presents and watch the ball drop on TV. At midnight, we toasted the new year with sparkling cider.
Location: Carey's House, Reading, MA

Friday, December 30, 2011

Not Quite A Pro Yet

Over the past two weeks I've worked some hours at Victoria Gourmet to earn some money over break. A lot of those hours were spent making boxes and filling them with partitions so they could later be filled with jars of seasonings and spices, that I highly recommend you try.
Location: Woburn, MA

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rest In Peace, Aunt Terry

This is a picture of my mom's Aunt Terry and her husband John. I did not take this picture but I want to share it with you because it captures how full of life Aunt Terry was. I did not know her very well, but I can say without a doubt that the world lost a beautiful and inspiring woman when she passed away earlier this week. My deepest sympathy to the loved ones who buried her today. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dinner and a Movie

Carey, Amelia, and I got together for a yummy dinner and a movie this evening. We try to save our money by occupying ourselves with free activities but we decided to make an exception tonight. Panera was delicious (I might be addicted now.) and Sherlock Holmes was great! My apologies for sharing a picture of pieces of paper instead of Carey and Amelia.
Location: Woburn, MA

Monday, December 26, 2011

Travels With Grammy Carol

Mom, Dad, and I had lunch with my grandmother on my dad's side today in Salisbury. It was a perfect destination for lunch because one of Grammy Carol's favorite restaurants is there and I love the beach. After lunch we went out on the cold windy beach to walk around for a few minutes (and take pictures of course). We took the scenic route back to Grammy Carol's house which was a very pretty drive at dusk and I saw a buck in the woods.
Location: Salisbury, MA

Sunday, December 25, 2011

We're Basically Professionals Now

Mom and I spent hours working on Shaunna's Christmas present today. Even though it took a long time to get the pictures printed, framed, and wrapped we had fun working on it together. It was worth it too; Shaunna loved this set and the individually framed photos we gave her.
Location: Living Room

Saturday, December 24, 2011

When In Doubt, Read The Directions I Guess

Mom knows she's getting a new printer for Christmas because she bought it for herself. What she doesn't know is that instead of wrapping it, Dad and I set it up after she went to bed. Now she can print wirelessly whenever she wants...tomorrow for example, when she'll be printing pictures for Christmas gifts.
Location: Living Room

Friday, December 23, 2011

Grandpa's Jade

My parents and I had brunch with my grandparents at their house this morning. We sat around chatting for a while with grandpa's jade in the window. Mom was commenting on the flowers just before we left and asked me to take a picture. I'm glad I did.
Location: Grandma & Grandpa's house, Westwood, MA

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Our creation is complete! Mom, Dad, and I trimmed our tree tonight and now it's covered in everything from glass bulbs to homemade cloth ornaments. I love that so many of our ornaments have a story behind them and it's fun to talk about them as we search for the perfect spot on the tree.
Location: Living Room

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

¿Tú hablas español?

I have studied French since the first grade and in May I'm going to Central America, where French will do me no good. So it's time to start teaching myself Spanish. My thanks to the Reading Public Library for these educational materials. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa's Little Helpers

At our church in Winchester we support a few families a year who cannot afford gifts for the holidays. Mom and I filled the car with presents to be delivered. We packed the trunk, the back seat, and the space between me and the dashboard with presents.
Location: Woburn Council of Social Concern, Woburn, MA

Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm A Big Kid Now?

I had my last appointment with my pediatrician this morning. Maybe my doctor doesn't think I'm a kid anymore, but the kid in me still likes Peanuts. For the record, the kid in me didn't cry when I got my flu shot or when I got my blood drawn.
Location: Woburn Pediatric Associates, Woburn, MA

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pinball Wizard

Tonight, my parents and I went to the annual Christmas party at my grandfather's house. I always look forward to Vic's flavorful Christmas dinner and tonight's crown roast of pork and baked Alaska were as delicious as ever. We have a new tradition of playing a pinball tournament with the antique pinball board from Vic's family. I played well, but not well enough to win it all. 'Tis a delicate art (and lots of fun).
Location: Winchester, MA

Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Mom, Dad, and I picked out our Christmas tree today! Mom and Dad know better than to buy a tree without me. We've always gone as a family to find the perfect tree, and now that I'm away at school until mid-December it's a great way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Location: Reading, MA

Friday, December 16, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm finally home and getting comfortable. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!
Location: Reading, MA

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homeward Bound

Carly and I drove fourteen hours from Williamsburg, VA to Attleboro, MA today. Highlights included interesting people we encountered in our stops for gas and food, "my cows", and our detour in New York when we got lost and stopped for help at a gas station. Ah the memories...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas-time in the Burg

Poorna, Athena, and I made a trip to the W&M bookstore in Colonial Williamsburg today so I could buy some Christmas presents. It was a nice last visit to CW before the holiday break because it's decorated with lights, bows, wreaths, and other holiday decorations. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Being Educated

Yes, I watched The Lord of the Rings this evening. Normally, movie watching isn't significant but (this might shock you) this was the first time I watched LOTR. I have yet to watch the second and third, but I'm sure Poorna will correct that situation soon. 
Location: Brock's Apartment

Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank you, Devon

Our housekeeper Devon is such a nice lady and many of us on the hall have gotten to know here. She has had a tough few weeks and we wanted to do something nice for the holidays. We got her a gift card and made this big card to say "Thank you" for all her hard work.
Location: my floor

Sunday, December 11, 2011


A few days ago, this flower stuck out to me. I don't know why I didn't notice it before, but after walking by it a few times in the past week I finally stopped to take a picture.
Location: In Front of the Caf, W&M

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Yule Log

Every year at William & Mary, students gather in Wren Courtyard for the Yule Log Celebration. Students from different cultural and religious organizations share their winter traditions and President Reveley reads How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Then everyone pushes toward the entrance to Wren Chapel so they can throw their holly leaf on the burning yule log. In the traffic jam to the door you're constantly off balance, you can't move, and the only thing keeping you up is the crowd around you. It was a blast!
Location: Wren Building, W&M

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hot Chocolate Date

Poorna and I were talking about the mediocre hot chocolate at the caf the other day when I found out that he had never had hot chocolate at The Blue Talon, where hot chocolate is literally liquid chocolate. So today, we went to Blue Talon for real hot chocolate and it was amazing. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Themed Dinner at the Caf

There was so much good food at the caf tonight! Baked potatoes, chicken pot pie, mint truffle, and lava cakes with strawberry. Unfortunately, the chicken parm bread bowl was disappointing but not disappointing enough to make the meal a bust. We stuffed ourselves at dinner and it was wonderful.
Location: Caf, W&M

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

V is for Victory

Well, V is actually for Victoria Gourmet, but today it is for victory. Monday afternoon I had a French final. Tuesday morning I had an econ final. Today I wrote an 8 page paper for Globalization and International Development. Now, I'm done!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Presents from Friends

During finals the Unitarian Universalist church in Williamsburg sends care packages to the UU students at the College - that's the bag on the left. The bag on the right is a bag of goodies from two of my residents who knew I was super stressed because of my three finals in a row. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Commitment Day

Today, I said "goodbye" to a $500 nonrefundable deposit and "hello" to a month long study abroad opportunity in Central America. I've spent the past week stressing about the decision and this afternoon I finally committed. I'll be flying to Belize in early May!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Econ - Time to Study

I took over a room in Morton yesterday and today so I could write on the board to help study for my Tuesday econ final. This was my setup for a long day of studying. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Decorated Trees

I'm not saying we decorated the trees outside the Integrated Science Center and I'm not saying who "we" is....but don't they look pretty?! I think the elves put up the garlands and ornaments.
Location: ISC, W&M

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pancake House

Pancakes! Today was the last day of classes and to celebrate, students are invited to a late night pancake house at the Sadler Center. Rachel, Athena, Christina and I enjoyed our free chocolate chip pancakes and I couldn't help but go back for a plain pancake with strawberries and whipped cream.
Location: Sadler Center, W&M

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't Worry Be Happy

Sometimes Pandora has a scary way of playing exactly what you need, even when you don't know that's what you need. Don't Worry Be Happy was that song for me today. It was a stressful day and this was just what I needed.