Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reading Public Library

After a month of neglecting my long to-do list, I decided it was time to get serious (two days before returning to school). I spent a few hours at the library this morning working on my application to be an RA next year and a summer internship application. If you think the building looks like a school, you win the million-dollar prize because it was, in fact, a school many moons ago.
Location: Reading, MA

Monday, January 9, 2012

Purty Shirt...y?

I forgot to take a picture of the highlight of my day, which was breakfast with my aunts and my grandmother, so here's an artsy picture of a shirt that I bought today. I quite like it and I'm excited for an occasion to wear it. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Winchester Unitarian Universalist Society

This is the church I attended with my parents as a wee one (if you can believe that I was ever wee). Dad is still involved in the church and I was here to pick him up today. I'm sharing a picture of the back of the building, because the picture I took while stopped at the red light in front of the building was a little rushed.
Location: Winchester, MA

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Karaoke Time!

Shaunna brought me to her usual Thursday night haunt, Mexicali, for karaoke. If you know me, you will not be surprised to hear that I did not sing. Neither did Shaunna, actually. We had fun hanging out, listening to music, and chatting with people instead.
Location: Spencer, MA

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pilot For Hire

I'm spending a few days at Shaunna's house this week so I can spend some quality time with her and the kids. Tonight I hung out with Solomon who is still excited about the remote control helicopter he got for Christmas. Later on I spent some quality time with Noah and Darius, so it was a good night.
Location: Sturbridge, MA

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

See Ya Later, Comcast!

Today, Mom and I spent some quality time with Louie, the Verizon guy that installed FiOS for us. Now we have more channels, OnDemand, and DVR. This is good stuff. 

Monday, January 2, 2012


Today is a cleaning and purging day at the McIntosh house, so I took a picture of my old crayons, markers, colored pencils, and poker chips that I have been reluctant to let go of because of their nostalgic value. In the spirit of cleaning and for the purpose of creating more space, I decided that I could take a picture of them and let them go. Then Mom told me that we'd keep them for when the grandkids visit. Figures.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Yankee Swappin'

Mom, Dad, and I went to another annual Christmas party today where we always have lots of yummy food and do a Yankee Swap (or White Elephant). Dad hung onto his silly hat for a while, but alas, it was taken from him.
Location: Walpole, MA